Are you unsure about how to take learning beyond the classroom and into the outdoors? Perhaps you are more experienced, but the school grounds are uninspiring and you are looking for some simple grounds changes to create a more engaging space for learning outdoors? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then this handbook and the associated resources are for you!
All materials were developed in Change the Grounds project, which was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, project number: 2017-1-SK01-KA201-035316.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Change the Grounds - Book
Change the Grounds - Green tunnels and labyrinths
Change the Grounds - Green tunnels and labyrinths
Change the Grounds - Herb spiral
Change the Grounds - Herb spiral
Change the Grounds - Insect hotel
Change the Grounds - Insect hotel
Change the Grounds - Pallet seating
Change the Grounds - Pallet seating
Change the Grounds - Pallet stages
Change the Grounds - Pallet stages
Change the Grounds - Raised beds
Change the Grounds - Raised beds
Change the Grounds - Sensory trail
Change the Grounds - Sensory trail
Change the Grounds - Stumps
Change the Grounds - Totems
Change the Grounds - Wood compost tray
Change the Grounds - Wood compost tray
Change the Grounds - Acting game
Change the Grounds - Acting game
Change the Grounds - Continents and countries on tarmac
Change the Grounds - Continents and countries on tarmac
Change the Grounds - Create a rainstorm
Change the Grounds - Create a rainstorm
Change the Grounds - Creative writing
Change the Grounds - Creative writing
Change the Grounds - Embracing additional languages outdoors
Change the Grounds - Embracing additional languages outdoors
Change the Grounds - Outdoor meditation
Change the Grounds - Outdoor meditation
Change the Grounds - Outdoor painting
Change the Grounds - Outdoor painting
Change the Grounds - Poetree
Change the Grounds - Preparing locally found samples for microscope work
Change the Grounds - Preparing locally found samples for microscope work
Change the Grounds - Scale dinosaurs
Change the Grounds - Scale dinosaurs
Change the Grounds - Seed bombs
Change the Grounds - Seed bombs
Change the Grounds - Species ID in the schoolgrounds
Change the Grounds - Species ID in the schoolgrounds
Change the Grounds - Stomp rockets
Change the Grounds - Stomp rockets
Change the Grounds - Talking tokens
Change the Grounds - Talking tokens